The Top 10 movies added to or extended on the streaming services this week:
"The Quiet Man clearly made a refreshing change for John Wayne. He has a light touch to his performance that fits the mood perfectly in this classic romantic comedy." ~ BBC
"It hits the target every single time - the jokes, the chemistry onscreen, and the effects all fall into place. As entertaining today as it ever was, a classic to be treasured by all." ~ Empire
"David Lynch’s award-winning vision of alienation has never looked better. There’s not the slightest whiff of compromise in his stark black-and-white photography, the themes of alienation and bodily breakdown – beautifully realised by John Hurt in a career-best performance – or the ambient creeping horror that are all Lynchian stock-in-trade." ~ Little White Lies
"This terrific Hal Wallis Paramount western contains a wonderful score from Elmer Bernstein (The Magnificent Seven) that accompanies the action as brothers John Wayne and Dean Martin (reunited after Rio Bravo), along with Earl Holliman and Michael Anderson Jr, ride out to avenge the death of their father. It's stirring stuff, beautifully photographed, with a fine supporting cast." ~ Radio Times
"A film that resembles an emotional time capsule. New Orleans entrepreneur Sibil Fox Richardson is hanging on the telephone, a recurring image in this riveting documentary. It recounts 20 years in the life of Richardson and her husband, who - as a couple - robbed a bank in the 1990s during a 'moment of desperation'." ~ Radio Times
"This Oscar winning adaptation of Isak Dinesen’s story of a 19th-century French cook who spends her lottery winnings on a banquet for the ageing Danish sisters who sheltered her is good enough to eat. Impeccably mounted and played, this is gastro-cinema at its most sensual and intoxicating." ~ Empire
"This remarkable film may be set in high school, but its satiric take on moral corruption, political chicanery, adultery and seduction is anything but juvenile." ~ Time Out
"Riz Ahmed gives a career-best performance as a drummer facing deafness in this astonishing drama that’s rooted in reality and fully captioned for all." ~ Mark Kermode, Observer
"Swedish director Ruben Östlund follows up the superb, criminally overlooked 'Play ' with this crowd-pleasing, Oscar-nominated, chatter-generating thriller." ~ Irish Times